360 Energy Spray Foam Insulation Jacksonville

Jacksonville, North Florida, South Georgia 904-679-9572

360 Energy Spray Foam Insulation Jacksonville Florida and South Georgia contractors

OFFICE NO. 904-679-9572

The more energy we use, the greater our carbon footprint is on our planet. Plus, when it comes to your home, a huge amount of energy expenditure can cost a lot of money. Luckily you have many options ranging from spray insulation services to basement finishing to window caulking that can help insulate your home. Read on to find out more about how residential insulation can provide greater energy efficiency.

Get a Boom Door Test

If you suspect energy problems thanks to air leaks in your home, call a local professional to do a boom door test. It’s an easy way that professionals can check for air leaks and find out exactly where they’re coming from. Many air leaks can come from a crack in the roof, poorly sealed windows, your basement, and more. Once you’ve identified the vulnerabilities in your home, it’s time for spray insulation services that can take care of these issues.

Seal Windows and Doors

Just because you close your windows and doors closed, it doesn’t mean air can’t get in or out. However, if you have them properly sealed, that won’t be an issue. According to Energy Star, heating and cooling account for as much as 70% of the energy used in the average American home. So can you imagine if some of that heated or cooled air escapes out of cracks in your doors or windows? That would be a waste of money, and your HVAC unit would have to work overtime for you to feel comfortable. In other words, your home may not feel properly heated in the winter, not because the heater isn’t working, but because that heated air is escaping.

Check Unfinished Spaces

With spray insulation services, don’t forget to update unfinished spaces such as your attic, garage, and basement. Even if those areas aren’t used for living spaces, you should consider having them finished anyway. Doing so can ensure the floors and walls in both spaces are properly sealed and secure from air leaks, pests, cracks, water, and more.

It’s never been easier to make your home more energy efficient. Whether you want to buy more energy-efficient appliances, seal spaces, or check for cracks, there are ways to reduce your carbon footprint and can save on energy bills. For more information, contact 360 Energy Spray Foam for our professional spray insulation services.

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